Cup of Life: Decoration ideas – Spring Edition with Photowall (Discountcode)

Hi Loves,

Happy Lunar New Year Friends!! I truly wish you good fortune, great health and precious love and friendship.

Don’t you also feel like the transition from Winter to Spring is such a refreshing change. You slowly leave the cold and welcome life and green in the landscape, not yet very warm, the sun shyly makes its first appearance… However… We’re not quite there yet :p. The weather is now pretty cold, but I can’t complain as the sun is finally showing itself more often. I’m not known to be the most patient girl though. I direly need some warmth in my life, so I felt like it was about time to do some redecorating. I was getting tired of the Christmas clutter haha. My BF wanted to keep the Christmas tree until March. Definitely ain’t happening!!!

I’ve been wanting to make a new painting for the living room, but as everything in life, you must make choices for the limited time you have within a day :p. And I’ve been more focused on singing and dancing lately… But a Swedisch company, Photowall reached out to me a couple of weeks ago. They were so kind to offer me a wall art for a featured blog post. I of course first checked their website ( and really liked what I saw: very clean look and lots and lots of choices. The 2 main products you can choose from are: Canvasses or Wall Murals. Also, I’m very excited to announce that Photowall offers a 20% discount for all my readers. In order to obtain this discount, you can use the following code when checking out your order: SCOBCampaign2018 (valid for 30 days, until 19/03/2018). Thank you Photowall for this opportunity!!

I went for a Canvas as it’s something you can move around. I knew I wanted my theme to be nature and I was on the hunt for a beautiful scenery. After a couple of days narrowing down my choices, I finally picked out one.

When I received the package about a week after I made my pick, I was home alone for a couple of days. I didn’t feel like waiting for the BF though (very impatient girl, remember). So I decided to do it all by myself :p.



I got the paper instructions, but they also have video’s showing you how it’s done, which is pretty handy (


Opening the package was fairly easy. And the instructions were also very easy to follow. I ended up struggling a little bit though, because the frame didn’t perfectly fit the canvas.


I first stuck the frame on the outer edges. And even though it didn’t fit nicely, I forced it a bit, because the canvas needed to be well stretched. So it would’ve been easier if it were to be assembled with 2 people. But can you imagine me laying flat on the back of the canvas, so that it was completely stretched.  Because it didn’t fit completely, it was a bit difficult to insert the screws. But I finally managed after about 40 min in total :D, which I honestly think isn’t bad as I did it by myself.


And here’s the final results:


I’m so happy with how it turned out. I was a bit scared that it’d be too dark. But it adds to the mysteriousness. Don’t you think? Looking at it, reminds me of my life: a mysterious path you’re taking, a little bit scary at times, but nevertheless adventurous, a leap in the unknown. The green in this canvas looks beautiful and complements my interior, which has lots of red (on the walls) and taupe (furniture).

The material feels very sturdy. I wanted to go for the maximum size, which is 1.5m on 1.5m, but as I didn’t have much room in width, I went for 1.1m instead. Here’s a close-up of the canvas:


I decided to get some extra stuff to complement this piece de résistance. You all know how much I love bunnies. And I got the lovely statue below from my friend Emily! I’ve placed above our stove (don’t know how else you’d call it).


The candle holders below, I’ve had for a long time, but one can never have enough candle holders. It livens up the room, especially when the candles are lit of course.


This little sheep is soooooo cute!!! I just had to get it :D.


I’m now on the hunt for some fragrant green candles. And perhaps a couple of green pillows would be nice!

I hope you enjoyed this little Sunday post! Wishing you a lovely week and I’ll talk to you soon!!!







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