Cup of Confessions: Awards

Hi everyone!!!

I’ve recently received several awards from amazing and sweet fellow bloggers. I love how you can receive the appreciation from other people and it is a beautiful way of putting other amazing blogs in the spot light, bringing us in this blogging community even closer to one another. I’ll post my awards together today, I hope you don’t mind.

First of all, I’ve been nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award by Simplistic Insights. Go check this blog out for beautiful and inspiring quotes and poems! You’ll also find surprising content such as beautiful musical collabs.

I’ve received from the amazingly inspiring Capili from Artist By Beauty the One Lovely Blog Award! I’ve mentioned her amazing blog before! But seriously, if you are looking to find yourself, needing tips to relax or just looking to read a fun blog, go check her out!
It’s my first time receiving this award!

The beautiful, talented and trofee winning ballroom dancer Rachel from Beauty and the Ballroom nominated me for the Blog A Holic Award. It’s also the first time I’ve been nominated for this award! I’m excited to start writing it!

I was then nominated twice for the Versatile Award by Azra from Simple Serenity and Rachael from Rachael Louise Beauty. Go check Azra’s channel for great Beauty Reviews and Fashion ideas! Rachael makes beautiful and elegant make up looks! Make sure you check them both out!

A Blogger Award

I’ll link here my original blog post: Blogger Recognition Award! Yay!


I nominate

Okaay then

Dasa Lavric

Pixel Heart Make Up

Style as needed

Linda Talks Beauty

A Lovely Blog Award

Here are the award rules

  1. Thank the person that nominated you and leave a link to their blog.
  2. Post about the award.
  3. Share 7 facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate at most 15 people.
  5. Tell your nominees the good news!

Post 25 January 2017 Pic 2.pngSeven facts about myself

  1. My favorite flowers are tiger lilies. They’re beautiful, bold, but also elegant!
  2. I don’t like salads at all. I’m always hungry afterwards, so I prefer warm veggies :). I do appreciate salads as a side dish.
  3. I don’t want to brag ;D. But I’m pretty good at choosing gifts for the people that I love. I’ll often buy something and also do a DIY!
  4. My favorite Vietnamese soup is Bun Bo Huê. It’s so fragrant!
  5. I got my driving license pretty late. My BF and I are avid train travelers and college was easily accessible with public transportation. So I only got my license when I was 25 years old. Only 4 months after obtaining it, I had to ride 500km to go from Belgium to Germany. It took me 6 hours and I stopped every 2 hours. When I finally arrived, my shoulders were as stiff as a plank haha.
  6. I have a rooster called Milo! He’s the only pet that got a name that isn’t a dessert. My parents gave him to me when I moved out, because they kept his brother. Milo is a small cochin rooster with beautiful green feathers. I wanted to buy little cochin wives for him. But my BF wanted real big hens with real big eggs, so he picked out three big wives for Milo, when I wasn’t home. But because Milo is small, they aren’t really nice to him. So I refused to give them names. I just say: I’m going to feed Milo and his b*tches… I know, it’s not nice, but Milo deserves so much better!
  7. We’ve always said, we’d get a dog. But ever since we moved out, we haven’t really considered taking one. We often get home pretty late, so that poor dog would have to stay home alone all day. If we’d ever get one, it would probably be a Shiba Inu (even though I also love Corgi’s and Pomeranians, but that’s too small for the BF haha).

I nominate

Laugh Love and Hippie

Rachael Louise Beauty

Charlottes makeup blog

Mascara and Mosh Pits

This is my Bliss

Beauty with Alice

Simplistic insights

Lulus Palette Blog

Blog-aholic Award

This award was created by The Recipe Hunter (Cook & Enjoy) to award, I quote: bloggers addicted to blogging with creative, ingenious and inspiring posts. They mesmerize their followers with their posts, keep them captivated and riveted to their blog. The Blog-aholic Award is also for bloggers who “Share and Inspire Others!”.

I’m incredibly honored Rachel nominated me for this award!



  1. Put the above award logo/image on your blog
  2. List the rules
  3. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog (it can be to the post in which they nominated you or any other post or you can even link to their “About” page)
  4. Mention the creator The Recipe Hunter (Cook & Enjoy) of this award and please provide a link or pingback as I [Esmé of The Recipe Hunter (Cook & Enjoy) ] would love to meet you!
  5. Write a post to show your award
  6. Share a link to your best post(s)
  7. Share 3 interesting and different facts about yourself
  8. Nominate 5-10 fellow bloggers, or more if you wish
  9. Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created.

My Best Posts

Cup of Basics: My skincare routine

Cup of Looks: Too Faced Sweet Peach Pallet Look 3

Cup of Reviews: Too Faced Sweet Peach Eye Shadow Pallet

3 interesting and different facts about myself

  1. I love cooking! My dad taught me all the basics, because we used to have a restaurant. One of the first dishes he taught me was caramelized chicken! I always follow his cooking rules and I immensely admire my dad for his knowledge. He’s very inspiring and can be inspired by the funniest things. He could sometimes see a certain dish in his dreams and when he wakes up, the first thing he wants to do is try out this new dish :D. But then when I invite my parents, I don’t want to disappoint him, so I always cook something he can’t, which is Japanese, Korean, Lebanese,… food. Thank god for Pinterest and internet haha!!
  2. My love for make up started at an early age. My mom has always said that there’s no excuse, you always have to make sure to look great for your partner. And I do believe that that’s important, to look good for the significant other. It means you still care!
  3. I’m not much of an alcohol drinker. But it is a bit part of the Belgian culture. It is appreciated and expected that on a dinner or party you drink something alcoholic. So every week, when I visit my parents in law, I drink a Kir (white wine with Cassis cream) so that I’m not the party pooper haha. The reason why I don’t really like to drink is the loss of control.

I nominate

Beautiful Gracious And Good

Captivated Scenarios


Sunaina Das Blog

Atlas Moon Kitty Blog

A Versatile Blogger Award

This is my second and third nomination for the Versatile Blogger Award. You can read my original post here.


Here are the rules of the award:

  1. Display the award.
  2. Thank the person who gave this award (and include a link to their blog.)
  3. Share seven things about yourself.
  4. Nominate bloggers.

Seven things about myself

Boy this is getting harder to find random facts haha.

  1. I grew up with the Sailormoon manga. I collected cards and I had a Sailormoon clock, which was so cute! I learned how to draw manga with Sailormoon. I still have the artwork from when I was 15 years old or even younger, which I’ll share with you some time.
  2. I’m very bad at traditional sports as I said before. I’m quite clumsy, but only not when I’m dancing haha. I have so many scars from falling during sports class… I even knocked out my friends front teeth when I was smashing with Badminton and she was running in the opposite direction…
  3. I seriously got into makeup when I was in college. I had to study for my exams, but instead I was watching make up vids by Michelle Phan. Can you believe she’s only 2 weeks older than me. Amazing how much she’s accomplished at this age!!
  4. My favorite color is pink. The more people laughed at me for wearing it, the more I’d wear it. I think that when people are judgy about your appearances, it says so much more about themselves.
  5. I love beauty related things: trying out new products, trying out techniques, reading about it,… My obsession goes so far that when I’m brushing my teeth I’m already watching YouTube vids!
  6. I’ve always dreamt of a Tearoom. And I would’ve called it “Sarah’s cup of Tea”. This is where my blog name “Cup of Beauty” came from.
  7. Because I want my time at home to last as long as possible, I always go to bed very late. I always regret this afterwards, but I only sleep 6h30 a day. I know that the beautysleep is important. I really need to work on this.

I nominate

Jazmin Heave Blog


Sayeedah Sparkles


Beyoutifulinsideout blog

My friends!! If you’ve read it this far: A huge congratulations and thank you :D. I want to thank everyone that has nominated!! Thank you so much for the love, support and appreciation! Have a lovely week!!!

Xoxo Sarah

Follow me on Instagram Sarahslovelycupoftea

29 thoughts on “Cup of Confessions: Awards

  1. Nyse says:

    Aww, the fact that you have a rooster is so amazing, because it’s different. If I tried having a pet rooster, my dog would turn him/her into KFC pretty quick! And wait, you’re older than 25?! Gosh, what’s your secret to eternal youth?

    Liked by 1 person

    • sarahscupofbeauty says:

      Aw thank you Nyse!! Haha, Milo’s not in the house like a real pet, but he has his own little territorium with a small fence kn the garden :D. But my parents have trained him from when he was a little rooster. So you can actually pick him up and pet him. While if I’d pick one of his “ladies”, she’d probably peck out my eyes… I’m turning 30 this year. I guess the secret is that still feel like I’m 20, but with a bit more wisdom and self confidence haha. I do have an elaborated skin care and I have to thank my mom for passing me the good genes… xoxo Sarah

      Liked by 1 person

  2. xoJenny says:

    Girl you deserve all of those, you’re a great blogger and always so positive, I love that you spread the blogging love- this is so awesome and I love our blogging community!

    xo, JJ

    Liked by 1 person

  3. 3sistersabroad says:

    Congratulations xx loved reading all about you. We had chooks or hens..where we lived we were not allowed to have roosters. One of ours was a bantam and she was a bitch….We called her Danielle, reasons i wont go into here 🙂 We did the give the others names as we only wanted them for the eggs. That was 3 years ago now. We don’t have them anymore, Foxes got them 😦 we were devastated. Foxes are not from Australia, the English brought them out when they first settled here so they could still do their fox hunts. By the way rabbits are not local either. Same again….I love the awards…you get to read other blogs meet knew people. xx have fun


    • sarahscupofbeauty says:

      Oh wow, I’m so sorry I didn’t answer you sooner! I sometimes read a comment at work and make a mental note to answer later… So sad about your hens! We also have that problem here. But our garden is well isolated and the hens have a separate area that is also isolated. And thank you so much for the sweet comment!! xoxo Sarah

      Liked by 1 person

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